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Find support for your growth and journey as a parent. Developmental curriculum provided for your toddler. Feature sensory activities and open-ended art. Enjoy our outdoor play area. An inclusive community that promotes class chemistry and unity. Evening parenting education and family events in addition to our weekly classes.

Wobblers Class
8 months to 16 months

Enjoy a first group experience with your “wobbler”! Focus on large motor and sensory play. Early art experiences introduced mid-year. Parents discuss a variety of topics, while meeting on our carpet area in the classroom. Share lap and circle songs with your baby, provide own snack.

12 months to 24 months

A support network for parents, and a group setting for your one year old. Babies and toddlers explore in a multi-sensory environment, and are introduced to creative art experiences. Lots of movement provided during our circle time, with instruments, puppets, felt stories, and songs. Parenting education features topics tailored to your growing toddler, routines, and relationships. 

18 months to 36 months

A fusion of our 12-24 month, and 24-36 month classes, parenting education and curriculum. Discussion topics and activities dependent on the make-up of the families enrolled.

24 months to 36 months

Additional art experiences and science exploration added to the curriculum. More focus on dramatic play and dress-up.  Games and turn-taking activities introduced during circle, in addition to the activities of the younger classes. More attention given to our parenting styles, and way of interacting with our toddler/preschooler during in-class parenting education. 

Little Learners
30 months to 48 months

A twist on our 24-36 months class for those toddlers who just miss the age cut-off for preschool.  In addition to the experiences offered in our “2’s classes,” we will practice skills necessary for preschool success.  Parenting education topics will include ways to support your toddler’s growing independence! 

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